Feb 20, 2024

10 Must-Have Remote Work Gear

We’ve entered another month of the pandemic and although some businesses have started asking their employees to come back to the office most of us are sticking with the work from home routine, probably because we don’t want to take a risk yet or maybe because we’ve realised the benefits of work from home.

Either way, most of us will be working from home for another few months or maybe even switch to a hybrid of both when all of this gets over.

Committing to work from home isn’t easy, I started working from home early in April and it has been a lesson on how to be productive, how to communicate well and how to maintain good posture while working sitting in my bed.

Learning how to maintain the right balance between being productive and taking enough ‘breaks’ is something we’ll learn with time, but issues like having a good sitting posture, cancelling all the background noise and staying hydrated can be solved by including these 10 Remote Work Gear to your work desk at home.

Here are my recommendations for 10 Must-Have Remote Work Gear

Laptop Stand

A laptop stand is a must as when we work from home, we do not limit our work to the designated work desk or station but take shifts between the sofa, that abandoned chair in the room and even to the bed.

This laptop stand will ensure that you work comfortably throughout the day at different spots in your home without straining your neck, keeping it at eye level and keeping your laptop sturdy in all places at all times.

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Wireless Keyboard and Mouse

Now that your laptop is hooked onto the stand, you will need the Wireless Keyboard and Mouse as the laptop will be out of reach and at a weird angle for you to use its keyboard and mouse.

Also keeping the Wireless Keyboard and Mouse between you and the laptop will give your eyes a much-needed break from the constant blue light when you keep it just within your breathing space.

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Computer Glasses (Blue Light Blocking)

‘Blue light blocking glasses’, ‘blue blockers ‘or ‘computer glasses’, you might have heard of them or even seen one of your co-worker wearing them. And if you are unsure of them, let me tell you that this is an essential work gear regardless of where you are working from, I recommend this as one of the most essential gear for anyone who sits in front of the laptop for more than 2 hours a day. This product is the least expensive of all on the list and would benefit you the most.

Computer lenses will block the harmful blue lights that strain your eyes and its yellow-tinted glasses will give you comfort when you’re in front of the screen for an extended period of time.

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Copper Water Bottle

After you hit your morning coffee, a glass of water every 2 hours is important. The only mantra here is HYDRATE! HYDRATE! HYDRATE! Keep this beautiful copper bottle on your side and you won’t need to move from your desk for anything else. This water bottle will not only keep you hydrated throughout the day but also has numerous other benefits not to forget all the while contributing to the environment by eliminating plastic water bottles.

Take this bottle to the park, cafe, beach or from wherever you are working from and refill it with your choice of the drink by the end of the day (wink wink)

Pro Tip: Add a metal straw to the bottle and be an environmental hero preventing all those plastic straws ending up in the ocean and look cool while drinking your drink through this metal duo. SAVE THE TURTLES!

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Noise Cancelling Headphones

There is nothing worse than when you are finally in the mood to work and there is constant noise behind you. Whether you are working from a noisy cafe or from home, this Noise Cancelling Headphones will keep the unnecessary noise away with just the right quality of music you want to listen to.

Blast Pink Floyd or Selena Gomez, or even just enjoy the plain silence, choose what vibe you want while you are working.

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Power Bank

When I think of all the things that could go wrong while I’m working from home, devices going out of power tops the list.

This power bank offers Two-way Quick Charge: The feature ensures faster charging for Power Bank and connected devices; with charging time to be Approx 6.7 hours.

The power bank’s a steal at this price and also looks great, so in my opinion, don’t overthink and order this one for yourself as well as your work buddy. Now, you don’t need to fight for power plugs or sockets near your desk and definitely don’t need to worry about your devices running out of battery anytime soon.

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MultiPlug with long Cord

Speaking of PowerBanks, a multiPlug is the first priority as we all might not be blessed with 3 power sockets at our bedside or there might be the exact number of power sockets we need but too far for our charging cords to reach them from our work desk.

A multi-plug with especially a long cord is an absolute no-brainer if you like to move around the room as well as if you plan to work from a hotel room as they always have different styles of sockets.

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Daily Planner

A planner’s anyway important whether you are working from the office or remotely, but it  definitely comes handier when you’re away from the office and need to be on top of everything.

Sure there are a lot of e-planners available out there which are effective and efficient to plan your tasks throughout. Though if you are old school like me, carrying this planner with you will not only make you ‘feel’ more planned but will actually help you go throughout your day without falling apart. Choose a badass cover back planner or a simple cover planner, every type of planner is available in today’s market.

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External Monitor

If you work with a lot of graphics or are into trading, either a single monitor is not enough or a high-resolution monitor with good colour display is much needed. If you’re one of those, We’ve got you covered.

Monitors come in different sizes, price range and features. The most expensive one is not necessarily the best. Also, a portable monitor could do wonders if you tend to shift your place of work from time to time.

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Back Support Cushion

Work from home is not that easy. Sometimes you need to sit longer at your work desk and if your chair at home is not that great as the one at the office. If any one of these is the case, here’s the solution.

This cushion makes sure your back is supported at all times and ensures to give you a healthy posture. Also, this one is a hack, as instead of shelling more money into buying an expensive office chair you can rather make your old home chair super comfortable with this Orthopedic Lumbar Support Memory Foam Cushion.

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What Essential Remote Work Gear do you use when working from home? Anything else you would like us to add to the list?

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